Department of Socio-Economic Analysis

The Department of Socio-Economic Analysis, operating within the framework of the Charter of the Social Research Center (SRC), examines social processes, trends, and public expectations related to the level of welfare and the effectiveness of socio-economic reforms. Based on sociological surveys, the department prepares and delivers analytical reports and academic studies to relevant government bodies and decision makers.  

The department's primary areas of focus are as follows:  

•    Analyzing government policy in the socio-economic sphere and producing data-driven reviews, analytical documents, and evaluations;

•    Providing regular updates to the public on government socio-economic policies;  

•    Preparing reports based on comparative analyses of international studies and indices assessing social welfare levels;

•    Investigating public opinion on the activities of government bodies to enhance the effectiveness of socio-economic reforms, as well as organizing public hearings;

•    Publishing periodic reports such as the *Welfare Barometer*, the *Sustainable Development Barometer*, and others.