
Approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on April 12, 2019.

1. General provisions

1.1 The Social Research Center (the Center) is a public entity that systematically analyzes the dynamics of public relations, identifies current trends in this area and predicts changes, studies the possible impact of these changes on society. It also provides public information and social research using modern information technology and scientific approaches and submits the results of its scientific-analytical analysis to state bodies.

1.2 The Center is an independent organization in its activity and operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, international treaties to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Public Legal Entities", other laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

1.3 In performing its duties and exercising its rights, the Center interacts with state and local self-government bodies, international and non-governmental organizations, foreign bodies, legal entities and individuals.

1.4 The Center is engaged in activities of national and public importance. The Center may engage in entrepreneurial activity in cases where that activity serves to achieve the goals set forth in this Charter. Funds (income) obtained as a result of the Center's activities are used to ensure its activities.

1.5. The Center holds an independent balance sheet, disposed property, treasury and bank accounts, a stamp engraved with its name, appropriate stamps and letterheads.

1.6. According to the law, the Center has the right to enter into transactions, acquire and exercise property and non-property rights on its own behalf, as well as obligations, and acts as a plaintiff or defendant in court.

1.7. The Center is located in Baku.

2. Aims and directions of the Center's activity

2.1. The purpose of the Center is social research.

2.2. The activities of the Center are as follows:

2.2.1. To participate in the formation and implementation of policies related to social research, analysis and forecasting in the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the study of public opinion;

2.2.2. to analyze the dynamics and trends of relations between the state and society, to conduct opinion polls on the basis of a proactive approach through modern information technologies and innovative methods, to study, analyse and make public opinion, to conduct scientific research and cooperation with government agencies;

2.2.3. to strengthen and develop public-state contacts through socially oriented innovative solutions, modern information and communication technologies, as well as multifaceted activities on Internet information resources, social networks;

2.2.4. to conduct social research on the possible effects of decisions and measures taken in order to improve the management process, increase the effectiveness of reforms;

2.2.5. to hold public hearings and debates on various topics of public importance, to cooperate with civil society institutions in this field, to establish and manage broad discussion platforms.

3. Duties and rights of the Center

3.1. The tasks of the Center in accordance with the directions of activity defined by this Charter are as follows:

3.1.1. To analyse the processes taking place in the Azerbaijani society, the dynamics and tendencies of the development of the relations between the state and the society, to forecast the future development directions of the society;

3.1.2. To analyse global and regional processes related to the national interests of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as processes and events in the socio-political, social, scientific and cultural spheres, to study the social aspects of economic processes, to predict changes in these areas, to conduct analyzes, make preliminary proposals on the results;

3.1.3. to carry out sociological research of various problems of the country, including possible political, legal, economic, military and other aspects of the settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict;

3.1.4. to submit to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan the results of research on various directions of the society's development, socio-political, social issues, solution of existing problems and other directions, proposals and forecasts in this field;

3.1.5. to conduct analysis on the basis of surveys and research together with relevant state bodies (institutions) in order to increase the effectiveness of reforms, to predict possible results of reforms;

3.1.6. to conduct surveys, conduct analyzes, prepare opinions and proposals on the results in order to study public opinion on the implemented policy and activities of state bodies;

3.1.7. to study public opinion during elections and referendums in the country, analyse the results and submit reports;

3.1.8. to provide relevant statistical and analytical information based on social research by exchanging relevant information with state bodies (institutions);

3.1.9. to participate in the development and implementation of state policy on the application of theories of behavior, behavioral management, theories of social and political psychology in public administration and public relations, to conduct research, analysis and assessments in this area;

3.1.10. to make proposals for the establishment of more effective relations between individuals and government agencies through modern information technologies and innovative solutions;

3.1.11. to study public opinion on the basis of analysis of information resources, social networks and sociological surveys, to identify political and social trends, issues of importance to society and to inform the relevant state bodies and agencies about it;

3.1.12. to conduct comparative analysis of international reports and indices on social welfare assessment;

3.1.13. to ensure regular interpretation of the state policy, accessibility to the society, to organize and carry out the delivery of the work done by the state in various spheres to the population;

3.1.14. to analyze ethno-political, religious relations and problems, to forecast possible problems in this field and to prepare proposals in this regard;

3.1.15. Analyze the activities of the Azerbaijani Diaspora, NGOs as part of "soft power" and "public diplomacy" and prepare proposals;

3.1.16. to participate in the development and implementation of legislation, development concepts and targeted programs in the field of social research;

3.1.17. to organize public hearings together with civil society institutions at the stage of preparation of draft normative legal acts, to inform the subjects acting on the legislative initiative;

3.1.18. To ensure the fulfillment of the obligations undertaken by the Republic of Azerbaijan on issues regulated by international agreements of the Republic of Azerbaijan and falling within the competence of the Center;

3.1.19. to comment on relevant issues in cases and in the manner prescribed by law;

3.1.20. to coordinate the activities of state bodies (institutions), local self-government bodies, legal entities and individuals in the field of social research;

3.1.21. To continuously submit to the relevant structural unit of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan the results of analysis, research and surveys, as well as proposals on the development directions, strategic goals and action plans of the Center;

3.1.22. To consider the appeals received in connection with the activity of the Center in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Citizens' Appeals”, “On Administrative Proceedings” and “On Access to Information” and to take measures in accordance with the law;

3.1.23. To organize clerical work and reception of citizens in accordance with the requirements of relevant normative legal acts;

3.1.24. To take measures for additional education and professional development of the Center's employees;

3.1.25. to inform the population about its activities, to create a website, to place public information on its website, the list of which is to be disclosed by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Access to Information” and to ensure constant updating and security of this information;

3.1.26. to take measures to protect state and commercial secrets, as well as confidentiality;

3.1.27. To ensure the efficient use of budget funds, loans, grants and other financial resources allocated to the Center;

3.1.28. to take measures to improve its structure and activities;

3.1.29. to ensure the application of scientific and technical achievements in the field of social research, taking into account the best international practices;

3.1.30. to make proposals on the training of professionals in the field of social research and the development of curricula and to participate in their implementation;

3.1.31. to perform other duties defined by this Charter.

3.2. The Center has the following rights to perform its duties:

3.2.1 to submit proposals on the adoption of the draft normative legal act related to its activities, amendments to the act, interpretation of the act, suspension or annulment of the relevant act;

3.2.2. to cooperate with international organizations, relevant state bodies (institutions) of foreign countries and other organizations in order to explore the possibilities of applying international experience, to study the relevant experience of foreign countries;

3.2.3. to provide services to state bodies (institutions), local self-government bodies, legal entities and individuals on a contractual basis;

3.2.4. to conduct research on issues related to the areas of activity, to establish working groups and commissions;

3.2.5. to prepare proposals on the application of innovations in the provision of services in the relevant field, to participate in their implementation, to cooperate with relevant state bodies (institutions), civil society institutions, legal entities, educational institutions, scientific institutions and organizations, international organizations in this field;

3.2.6. to make inquiries to state bodies (institutions), local self-government bodies, legal entities and individuals on necessary information (documents) and to receive such information (documents) from them;

3.2.7. to give opinions and proposals on areas of activity, to conduct analyzes and generalizations, to prepare analytical materials;

3.2.8. to involve independent experts and specialists in its activities in accordance with the legislation;

3.2.9. to hold conferences, meetings, seminars and other events on issues related to the areas of activity;

3.2.10. to nominate employees for state awards and other awards, to take measures to encourage them;

3.2.11. to establish or participate in economic societies on issues related to the areas of activity;

3.2.12. to issue special bulletins and other publications;

3.2.13. To exercise other rights defined by the Charter of the Center.

4. The management of the Center

4.1. The Center applies advanced corporate governance standards in its activities and management.

4.2. The overall management and control of the Center is carried out by a three-member of Executive Board.

4.3. The Chairman and other members of the Board are appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

4.4. In case of temporary absence of the Chairman of the Executive Board, his / her powers shall be exercised by another member of the Board determined by the Chairman of the Executive Board.

4.5. The responsibilities of the Executive Board are as follows:

4.5.1. to submit proposals to the founder and submit documents (including the financial report and annual report on the activities of the Center) to exercise the powers of the founder;

4.5.2. to determine the development directions, strategic goals and action plans of the Center in coordination with the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

4.5.3. To control the activity of the Center;

4.5.4. Azərbaycan Respublikasının Prezidenti ilə razılaşdırmaqla Mərkəzin strukturunu müəyyən etmək;

4.5.5. Mərkəzin əldə etdiyi vəsait (dövlət büdcəsindən və dövlətə məxsus digər fondlardan ayrılan vəsait istisna olmaqla) hesabına işçilərə əlavə ödənilən həvəsləndirmə sistemini müəyyənləşdirmək;

4.5.6. Azərbaycan Respublikası Nazirlər Kabinetinin razılığı ilə Mərkəzin təsərrüfat cəmiyyətlərinin yaradılması və ya onlarda iştirak barədə, həmçinin Mərkəzin idarə, filial və nümayəndəliklərinin yaradılması barədə qərar qəbul etmək;

4.5.7. Mərkəzin maliyyə planlaşdırmasını və büdcəsini təsdiq etmək;

4.5.8. Mərkəzin fəaliyyətinə dair daxili qaydaları (o cümlədən maraqlar münaqişəsinin istisna olunması qaydasını), habelə idarə, filial və nümayəndəliklərinin əsasnamələrini, törəmə təsərrüfat cəmiyyətlərinin nizamnamələrini təsdiq etmək;

4.5.9. Mərkəzin fəaliyyətinə dair illik hesabatı dinləmək;

4.5.10. Mərkəzin kənar auditorunu təyin etmək və audit hesabatını qəbul etmək;

4.5.11. kənar auditorun yoxlamalarının, habelə digər yoxlamaların nəticələrinə dair tədbirlər görmək;

4.5.12. With the consent of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan to make a decision on concluding a deal (deal of special significance) in the amount of more than 25 percent of the net assets of the Center and a deal with the relevant person worth 5 percent or more of the Center's assets;

4.5.13. To organize the activity of the Center;

4.5.14. to make a decision on concluding a deal with the relevant person, the value of which is up to 5% of the Center's assets;

4.5.15. To control the implementation of the strategic goals and action plans of the Center, as well as the budget;

4.5.16. to ensure the effective use of the funds provided for in sub-clause 3.1.27 of this Charter;

4.5.17. To consider appeals of Board members and make decisions;

4.5.18. bu Nizamnamənin 3.1.16-cı və 3.2.1-ci yarımbəndlərində nəzərdə tutulmuş məsələlərin həlli üçün tədbirlər görmək;

4.5.19. İdarə Heyəti sədrinin səlahiyyətlərinə aid edilməyən bütün digər məsələlər barədə qərar vermək.

4.6. İdarə Heyətinin iclasları ayda bir dəfədən az olmayaraq çağırılır. İdarə Heyətinin iclaslarının keçirilməsi təşəbbüsü ilə İdarə Heyətinin üzvü çıxış edir. İdarə Heyətinin iclasları üzvlərinin yarıdan çoxu iştirak etdikdə səlahiyyətlidir. İdarə Heyətinin iclasında, hər üzvün bir səsi olmaqla, qərarlar sadə səs çoxluğu ilə qəbul edilir. Səsvermə zamanı üzvlərin bitərəf qalmasına icazə verilmir. Səslərin sayı bərabər olduqda, İdarə Heyəti sədrinin (və ya onu əvəz edən digər üzvün) səsi həlledicidir.

4.7. İdarə Heyətinin üzvlərinə iclasın keçiriləcəyi yer və vaxt, habelə gündəliyə daxil edilmiş məsələlər barədə iclasa azı 3 (üç) iş günü qalmış, zəruri sənədlər əlavə edilməklə yazılı məlumat verilir. İclasın gündəliyinə İdarə Heyətinin hər hansı üzvünün maraqlarına toxunan məsələ çıxarıldıqda, həmin üzv bununla bağlı maraqları haqqında ətraflı məlumat verməli, bu məsələnin müzakirəsində və həmin məsələyə dair səsvermədə iştirak etməməlidir. Gündəliyə daxil edilməmiş və ya tələb olunan aidiyyəti sənədləri iclasdan qabaq təqdim edilməmiş məsələlər barədə, bütün iştirakçı üzvlərin razılıq verdiyi hallar istisna olmaqla qərar qəbul edilə bilməz.

4.8. Chairman of the Board:

4.8.1. manages and represents the current activities of the Center;

4.8.2. organizes the activities of the Executive Board, determines the agenda of its meetings and chairs its meetings;

4.8.3. convenes meetings of the Executive Board on its own initiative

4.8.4. invites other people to participate in the meeting of the Executive Board on its own initiative, as well as at the request of any member of the Executive Board;

4.8.5. Issues mandatory internal orders and directives related to the organization of the Center's activities;

4.8.6. Organizes, inspects and supervises the implementation of the adopted acts on the activities of the Center;

4.8.7. Cancels decisions of the Center's officials that contradict the legislation;

4.8.8. approves the structure, staffing and cost estimates of the Office of the Center and other structural units within the salary fund and the number of employees determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan in coordination with the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

4.8.9. Organizes the payment of salaries, bonuses, bonuses and other payments to the employees of the Center within the salary fund;

4.8.10. except for the cases specified in this Charter, decides on the appointment and dismissal of employees of the Center, including its departments, branches and representative offices, as well as other subordinate bodies (and only managers in economic societies), and takes measures of encouragement and discipline against them ;

4.8.11. controls the use of the Center's property in accordance with the purposes provided for in this Charter;

4.8.12. conducts operations on behalf of the Center, concludes contracts and ensures their implementation within the powers defined by this Charter;

4.8.13. establishes advisory committees and working groups on the activities of the Center;

4.8.14. Takes necessary measures for the protection of state secrets and confidentiality, as well as other information protected by law in the areas of activity of the Center;

4.8.15. Provides clerical and archival work of the Center;

4.8.16. The center provides consideration of appeals and reception of citizens.

4.9. The members of the board:

4.9.1. Participate in resolving issues related to the powers of the Management Board;

4.9.2. Get acquainted in advance with the agenda of the meeting of the Executive Board and the materials to be considered;

4.9.3. Express their views on the decisions to be made by the Executive Board;

4.9.4. Make proposals to consider issues related to the powers of the Executive Board at its meetings;

4.9.5. They get acquainted with the decisions of the Board, minutes of meetings and other documents.

4.10. Members of the Executive Board shall be impartial in matters considered at its meetings, prevent actions and speeches that may damage the name of a member of the Executive Board, as well as comply with other requirements set forth in Article 49 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

5. Basics of the authorized fund, property and financial activity of the Center

5.1. The initial authorized fund of the center is 100,000 (one hundred thousand) manats.

5.2. The property of the Center is formed from the authorized fund, other property provided by the founder, funds allocated from the state budget, income from its activities, donations, grants, attracted investments and other funds received in accordance with the law.

5.3. The Center uses its property only for the purposes specified in this Charter. The Center exercises its powers in relation to the state property on its balance sheet in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated June 6, 2007 No. 586 "On improving the protection and efficient use of state property".

5.4. The Center has the right to independently dispose of the profits from the activities of the Center, its departments, branches and representative offices, as well as economic societies after payment of taxes and other mandatory payments provided by law.

5.5. The prices of the Center's products (goods, works, services) do not belong to the regulated prices (tariffs).

6. Form and scope of control over the activities of the Center

6.1. The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the Executive Board shall exercise control over the activities of the Center in accordance with the procedure established by this Charter.

6.2. The annual report on the activities of the Center is submitted to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

7. Accounting and reporting in the center

7.1. The Center maintains accounting records, prepares, submits and publishes financial statements in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Accounting” for public legal entities.

7.2. The Center maintains statistical records, compiles and submits statistical reports in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Official Statistics”.

7.3. The Center provides inspection of financial and economic activities in its departments, branches and representative offices, as well as in economic societies.

7.4. The Center hires an external auditor to independently review its activities.

8. Liquidation and reorganization of the center

8.1. The liquidation and reorganization of the center is executed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.