We conducted a related survey with the Turkish States
12.06.2024Peace and OPINION
21.02.2024Global Bridges - Former U.S Ambassador to Ukraine Steven Pifer
07.01.2024Interview with french historian and academician, Maxime Gauin
17.11.2023“Azərbaycanlılara qarşı nifrət cinayətləri və nifrət nitqi” hesabatının təqdimatı - Elnur Məmmədov, çıxışın mətni
01.11.2023Video series published by SRC
31.10.2023An opinion survey was done by the Social Research Center regarding the current events on the Lachin Road
29.12.2022A conference dedicated to the public opinion poll "The place and role of children in family-society relations in Azerbaijan"
19.10.2022Cybersecurity summit held in Baku - SRC also represented
06.10.2022What do the people of Azerbaijan think about operations against armed groups in Karabakh? / Poll
25.08.2022The Social Research Center held a presentation ceremony of the book titled "Our material and cultural heritage in the historical lands of Azerbaijan: from #Iravan to #Zangezur"
04.07.2022An online conference on Family institution in the Turkish Republic in the process of socio-cultural transformations was held
16.05.2022Presentation of the results of the sociological survey "Family relations in Azerbaijan: socio-psychological analysis"
26.12.2021Trust Index - 06 / Reliance and trust in President Ilham Aliyev is at a high level according to the sociological analysis