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Social Research Center - 4 years


Social Research Center - 4 years

An opinion survey was done by the Social Research Center regarding the current events on the Lachin Road

Social Research Center - 5 Years

STM - Yubiley Broşurası (2019-2024)

Thoughts on Common Good

The Social Research Center published the main findings of the public survey, "President's Performance in Public Opinion"

5th issue of the "Trust Index" Report

Social Research Center in 3 years...


Trust Index - 06 / Reliance and trust in President Ilham Aliyev is at a high level, according to the sociological analysis

The dynamics of socio-economic situation in Azerbaijan | Survey among 1,073 respondents

The Social Research Center conducted a telephone survey on several topics, from June 25 till July 5 in 2021.

The Social Research Center held a presentation ceremony of the book titled "Our tangible cultural heritage in the historical lands of Azerbaijan: from Yerevan to Zangezur"

The Social Research Center studied the opinion of 1,121 respondents

The Social Research Center conducts public opinion surveys, studies social dynamics, new trends, obtains the results through the surveys and prepares analytical documents

Democracy, Secularization, and Parliamentarism in the Muslim East: The History of 100th Anniversary of Reforms

A conference dedicated to the public opinion poll "The place and role of children in family-society relations in Azerbaijan"



Promo material / #SRC - 4 years


Social Research Center - 3 years

Brief portfolio

Thoughts on the Common Good

The common good has been a major concern of moral and political philosophy since ancient times, and politics of common good was often set against corrupt government and narrow self-interest. Pre-modern thinkers associated the common good with higher purposes and a virtuous life which can only be realized in an ideal political community.